Colton, CA 92324 (951) 742-8689
© 2025 Beagle Angels
 Thank you for signing our guestbook and visiting our website!
Message From: Julie
July 18, 2008
This is a really nice site with a great variety of dogs! Keep up the good work!
Message From: cynthia, jose, aiden and isabelle
June 19, 2008
hello, we just adopted a puppy at petsmart on hospitality on sat 6/14.
the puppys name was amoka, we have now changed it to benni. he is an adorable puppy and he has adjusted to our home very well. we wanted to say thankyou for giving a great start..and we are simply in love..
Message From: Trudeau
April 9, 2008
We have two rescued beagles, Nick and Nora, and had one before them, Mia Hamm. Keep up the good work and we will keep you in mind.
Message From: Jenny
December 3, 2007
Thanks for all you guys do! I have never adopted from a nicer group of volunteers. One told me how much time she volunteers to help these dear misplaced pets... I couldn't even imagine dedicating that much of my life to helping them as much as I do care. You all really put your actions where your hearts are! Keep up the good work and thanks!
Message From: Diana
November 20, 2007
Hi PUPS Rescue. If you need any volunteer help at the shelter, please contact me as I would love to fit some time into my schedule to help you all out. You guys are doing a wonderful thing. I love dogs. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Thanks.
Message From: ana
October 1, 2007
Message From: Diane D.
September 23, 2007
Hello to all the hard working volunteers at PUPS. Nice website, looking forward to the doggie wear.
Message From: Betty & Sam
September 23, 2007
Thanks so much for the work you all are doing! We foound the perfect match for us, and your rescue had so much patience compared to the last rescue we dealt with. You all are great and people like us appreciate your kindness.
Message From: Pam
September 22, 2007
Thank you for caring - we need more people such as yourself.
Message From: Eilsabeth
September 14, 2007
Hi PUPS Rescue, great website... I love you all!
thanks for helping me with the stray I found... keep up the good work!
Message From: Jeri
September 10, 2007
Hi like your web site. great job your doing.
Message From: Tom and Bill
June 12, 2007
Great Job!
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